

The real estate scene in Delhi-NCR is competitive, with big names ruling the market. New companies like Signature Global face a tough challenge to stand out and grab buyers’ attention. The company had to tackle the difficult job of creating a strong brand image and sparking real interest in its housing and business projects. To do this, they needed a solid marketing plan to break through the noise and connect with their target customers.

Client Overview: Signature Global

Signature Global stepped into the ever-changing Delhi-NCR property scene in 2014. The firm works in both home and business areas hoping to make its mark in the region. With many well-known rivals around, Signature Global saw it needed a unique brand image and smart marketing plans to stand out and get customers interested.

The Challenge

Signature Global is a relatively new player in the fiercely competitive Delhi-NCR real estate market facing the task of building a strong brand identity and creating significant consumer interest in its residential as well as commercial projects. Penetrating through the noise among numerous established players to effectively reaching out to the target audience was critical for achieving more sales and market share growth.

Influir Media's Approach

To tackle these challenges faced by Signature Global, Influir Media formulated a comprehensive plan utilizing Influencer Marketing and Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising. Our approach focused on three main pillars:

(1) Influencer Selection and Engagement: Built an association with influential personalities who are in line with Signature Global’s target group. Introduced interesting content pattern that could appeal to them at different levels while depicting dedication towards excellence, inventive thinking and customer service.

(2) Amplification Through OOH: Deployed high impact OOH campaigns at strategic locations across Delhi-NCR to support brand messages and enhance visibility. Integrated influencer campaigns with OOH for greater reach.

(3) Data-Driven Optimization: We used reliable analytics to monitor how well the campaign performed and calculate its return on investment. We kept improving our approach based on what the data told us to make the biggest impact and get the most out of our efforts.

The Results

The Influencer Marketing and OOH campaign brought great outcomes for Signature Global: 

(1) Stronger Brand Recognition: Signature Global’s brand became more visible and memorable to their target market.

(2) Better Brand Image: Signature Global came across as an innovative and customer-focused property developer.

(3) More Website Visits and Questions: The Signature Global website saw a big jump in visitors and sales inquiries.

(4) Faster Sales: Sales of both homes and commercial properties went up. 

Key Takeaways

The team-up between Signature Global and Influir Media shows how Influencer Marketing and OOH campaigns can help a real estate brand grow when done right. Here’s what we learned:

(1) The need to pick influencers who connect with the intended audience.

(2) How combining different marketing channels can lead to the biggest results.

(3) Why data-based insights play a key role in making campaigns work better.

(4) The lasting advantages of creating a powerful brand image through steady messaging.

Portfolio Details


Package Design


24 May, 2024

Client Name

Roger M Collins



Project Manager

Joseph Brehmer


New York, USA




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